John McClane, a detective with the New York City Police Department, arrives in Los Angeles to attempt a Christmas reunion and reconciliation with his estranged wife Holly, who is attending a party thrown by her employer, the Nakatomi Corporation at its still-unfinished American branch office headquarters, the high-rise Nakatomi Plaza. When McClane refreshes himself from the flight in Holly's corporate room, they have an argument over the use of her maiden name, Gennero, but Holly is called away.
As the party continues, a group of terrorists led by Hans Gruber seize the building and hold the partygoers as hostages in exchange for terrorist operatives in prison. In the confusion, McClane was able to disappear unnoticed into the building's maintenance areas, and learns that Gruber is actually using the hostage situation as a cover to steal $640 million in bearer bonds stored in the building's vault. McClane is unable to stop Gruber from executing Joe Takagi, Holly's boss, when he refuses to hand over the vault's combination.
As the party continues, a group of terrorists led by Hans Gruber seize the building and hold the partygoers as hostages in exchange for terrorist operatives in prison. In the confusion, McClane was able to disappear unnoticed into the building's maintenance areas, and learns that Gruber is actually using the hostage situation as a cover to steal $640 million in bearer bonds stored in the building's vault. McClane is unable to stop Gruber from executing Joe Takagi, Holly's boss, when he refuses to hand over the vault's combination.
~DoWnLoaD LinK~
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