Merlin is a British fantasy-adventure television series developed by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps. It began its broadcast on the channel BBC One on 20 September 2008. The series is based on the Arthurian legends of the mythical wizard MerlinPrince Arthur, but differs from traditional versions of the legend in many ways, especially the characters. It is produced by independent production company Shine Limited. After a successful first season, American broadcaster NBC began airing the programme on 21 June 2009, but after a decline in viewership, was moved to the cable network Syfy, where it began broadcast of the second season on 2 April 2010. The second season began airing on 19 September 2009 on BBC One.[2] On 5 September 2010, BFI Southbank in London previewed the first two episodes of the third season for its September Film Funday programme.[3] and his relationship with×12.The_Coming_Of_Arthur_Part_One.WS_PDTV_XviD-FoV.avi.html
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